Senior Adults
Senior adults are an important group of people in our congregation and community. Old age can often be a lonely and confusing time with many special needs. God can lead you through a difficult time or crisis through conversation, prayer, spiritual direction and practical assistance offered by our minister and pastoral lay assistant for the elderly.
Leviticus 19 v 32 “Show your fear of God by standing up in the presence of elderly people and showing respect for the aged." (NLT)
Pastoral lay assistant
Through the work of our pastoral lay assistant, you can receive personalised, short-term help either in person or over the phone. You can talk through your struggles and receive godly support and prayer from someone who stands solidly on biblical values.
Steps to Requesting the Pastoral lay Assistant
Contact the office on 028 9031 9710 or contact us online and briefly explain the situation you face. We will provide your information to the pastoral lay assistant, who will contact you within a week via your preferred method of contact (phone or e-mail).
Trained and experienced in biblical counselling, counsellors trained by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland can help with a range of issues, from men’s and women’s issues to those affecting married couples and the elderly. To inquire about counselling, contact the office as indicated below and provide a brief explanation of the situation you face.
We organise a number of events throughout the year including our regular monthly 4S Club, and the monthly cross community lunch for the over 65’s. Of course senior adults are welcome to attend all events for adults.
Have Questions?
Call the office on 028 9031 9710, or contact us online.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 999.