

World Mission

In Habakkuk 1:5, the Lord says, “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your day, you would not believe if you were told.”

God is always working to extend the message of His salvation to the ends of the earth. Graciously, He has allowed Fitzroy to participate with Him in this mission. This church has been a solid presence in overseas mission for years, and now it is expanding its reach into new areas around the world and providing new ways for the Fitzroy family to get involved.

Prayer for our overseas members and financial giving to mission work is strongly encouraged, and from time to time there are opportunities to do short term mission work. We have a mission support team and a One World Group. The policy of the mission support team can be found here

Fitzroy Members around the World

In recent years Fitzroy has supported a number of members living and serving in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.  

Currently we support

Carol McFarlane in London with London City Mission

Mark & Hannah Lyttle in Africa

If you access the Fitzroy Brochure, 'Jesus' Love In Action' on this website you can read about some of the other things that we in Fitzroy are involved in globally.

One World Group

Over the years Fitzroy has hosted many Sunday Morning after church, bread and cheese lunches and in the process raised many thousands of pounds primarily for the work of Tear Fund and Christian Aid.

Have Questions About World Missions?

If you have questions or would like more information, including opportunities to donate to any project, call the office on 028 9031 9710 or contact us online.